Saturday, November 15, 2014

Where is the Marshall Islands compared to the following:

Located next to the Capital Building in Majuro are the following signs that give some mileage to other locations.  If you want something to do you can look up these locations in relationship to Majuro or the Marshall Islands.

 PNG or Papua New Guinea

Honiaro is the Capital of the Solomon Islands

 Federated States of Micronesia, I am sure this is the distance to Pohnpei the capital of FSM

I am not sure if this is American Samoa or Western Samoa they are next to each other southeast of Majuro 

Niue  is  south of Somoa

Vanuatu is southwest almost in line with Sydney

Tuvalu is a very small island county between the Majuro and Tonga

The fastest and easiest way to get Sydney or anywhere from here is to go Hawaii first

Nauru one of the smallest counties in the world and has it own airline that flies to Majuro once a week.

Wellington is one the southern most cities in the World.

Kiribati is our closest neighbor and part of the Marshall Island Majuro Mission.  These two counties span the distance east to west almost the same distance as the continual US does.   With small spics of land in vast amount of ocean.

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