Saturday, March 22, 2014

Eye glass project

We helped develop and coordinate a Humanitarian eyeglass project for here in Majuro.

Four optometrist would come and do eye exams and provide frames.  We would screen prior to their visit and do all the coordination here.  This included getting a place for the doctors to stay (donated), arrange for seven different locations to do the eye exams, getting translators and others to help, contracting with a company to cut the prescriptions, also determine how to insure the right glasses get to the right individual.

It was a lot of work the past few months putting this all together, but we believe was a successful.  We don't think we will know the impact this will have on those that were able to obtain needed glasses.

We just want to share a few pictures that were taken the week the doctors were here doing the eye exams.

Sister Johnson and I keeping track of the glasses that the individuals had pick out

We took a picture of every one that got glasses holding their order number.  So if some forgot their order number we had a way to try to find their glasses

Nice young man holding his order number

The four doctors did 875 exams

831 individuals were able to select their frames 

Happy faces wearing their new frames

It took a lot of assistance to be able to help as many individuals as we did that week.  Group picture on day four.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Some Missionaries Pictures

All the young missionaries on Majuro in February and a few not so young

The Wayas left last month after being here 23 months

Sister Huni  leaving us, she was special friend to us

Missionaries from Vanuatu, Tonga, and Fiji last good byes as they head home

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

 During the month of February 

We did vision screening at 7 different schools, 5 churches of other faiths, and all our wards and branches on the island.  We screened more than a 1000 students and around 800 adults. The screening was done in preparation for the eye doctors coming to do eye exams this month (March 2014)  We had help from our young missionaries.  So we just wanted to share some pictures we took at few of the screenings.  
At the SDA  School

 At the Laurel Ward ( Presently meeting in a school)

 This Screening was at the Rita Salvation Army

Sunday, March 16, 2014

We love watching the children here in Majuro
As we travel around the island we always see something to laugh about and most times we done have the camera to get a picture.   But there is lots of children around. I would say 1/3 of the population here is under 20 years of age.  They have a high birth rate and shot life span.  Lots of people die do health reason in their 30's and 40'.

How many children can your get in a van.  I've counted over 30.    

There is not child seat law in Marshall Islands you see the children of all ages doing different things as they ride in the cars, school buses, back of trucks.  As we followed this car were not sure if this kid was going to land on his head.

They love to climb 

They also like to be upside down and even walk on their hands.